GeoNeo Concept


GeoNeo Concept

A new geo-spatial marketplace


Airbus Aerial



Product Design



Since the founding of Aerial, Dirk Hoke, CEO of Airbus Defense & Space, has had a vision for what he calls the Geo Information Store. He wants Airbus to be the focal point for companies around the world who need data for a given location or site. This would be the central location and marketplace for a variety of data types. Imagery, location data, housing data, and demographic data with a focus on high levels of automation, self service, extreme ease of use for a wide range of users with no training.



How might we design a new, self-service product offering that gives users access to a variety of data about a location?



Focus on core functionality without getting too granular. This was very early stage, so the challenge was about telling the story and selling the vision, not fleshing out a design direction for the new product.



Though there are many unknowns we have yet to address, we attempted to craft a product and narrative that is reflective of the vision. To do that, we had to put myself in the shoes of a potential customer. We performed a high level market analysis and created a biographical sketch of this person to guide our thinking.


Market Analysis

The Geo Information Store would be our first consumer facing product so I not only wanted to look at competing marketplaces, but consumer marketplaces to pinpoint patterns that our users would already be familiar with.



Ted McDaniels
Real-Estate Developer
Highly Educated
Medium - High Technical Proficiency


  • Find available data about a specific location to inform business decisions

  • Find available data that they can easily stream


  • Knowing where to find geospatial data that doesn't require an enterprise account

  • Having to look in a variety of places to find data about a specific locale


Use Case

Ted has to put together a proposal to develop a mixed-use property at the former Georgia Power facility in Old Fourth Ward. As part of his proposal he needs to perform a feasibility study or land assessment to include:

  • historical data (crime, property value, etc)

  • demographic data

  • parcel boundaries

  • traffic data

  • infrastructure data


Key Objectives

Based on our understanding of the vision for this product, these are the key objectives that I wanted to visualize in the final prototype:


Should feel simple. The target for this product is non-technical business users.


An open marketplace for individual consumers should reflect familiar consumer experiences (amazon, istockphoto, etc).


Help the user discover analytics and other tools that they didn't know were valuable or didn't know they needed.


Allow the users to quickly and easily find data about a location. Should effectively deal with a variety of data types.

Self Service

Users should be able to quickly and easily purchase data without barrier to entry. No contracts, enterprise pricing, etc. This is a simple self-service solution.


The Final Result

After developing the prototype I created a presentation to provide additional context and more effectively tell the story to key stakeholders.


Click to view the full prototype